Monday, September 6, 2010

Since today was Labor Day, I spent my day with my family, including a picnic lunch at my grandparents' house in Copley. They have a kitty named John who they let wander in the woods that surrounds their house. John was basically a rescue and he's old and has many battle scars, but he's still a good old cat who hunts when he gets the chance. I took this picture of him wandering down into the woods on the pursuit of some little creature.

On the way home from my grandparents', my Mom and I stopped so that I could pet these two gorgeous horses. They were just standing behind the fence on the street my grandparents live on watching us as we approached so we just HAD to stop and give them some attention. :) They were both sweethearts, of course, and the little tan one on the left tried to nibble my hand because he thought I had some food for him! The bigger brown one on the right was absolutely HUGE though. I have never seen a horse that big. I don't think he looks too awfully large from the picture but he was sure a big beauty.
I have decided that I want more than anything right now to take horseback riding lessons. I've always sort of wanted to but today's experience made me decide for sure. I'm already looking into a couple of stables that might be able to just give me one lesson sometime before I leave. (T-minus 13 days!)

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