Thursday, July 28, 2011


A beautiful lace-border moth Mom and I spotted in the front yard. I was surprised at how close it let me get to get a photo!


Zack and I took Stanley to get a hair cut. This is the before picture...

And after! He's so handsome. :)


At a loss of what to take a picture of, so this is a close up of an interesting print on a dress I have. I got it last summer at a local thrift-art shop in Highland Square called Revival. It's so cool (the dress AND the store)! This particular dress is a free flowing cotton sundress that fades from this orange color at the bottom to yellow  then to pale yellow at the top, and this print is all over it. So cute - and comfy!


Again feeling less than inspired, so here is my go-to summer scent: Coconut Passion by Victoria's Secret. It just reminds me of summer. I recently found out they stopped carrying it in stores, though, so I had to order my latest bottle online. Boo!


Working on some craft projects with Mom to decorate my apartment for next school year. She brought out her huge seashell/sea trinket collection from her travels (mostly in Florida from 30-40 yrs ago) so that I could pick out things to make an ocean-inspired collage for my bathroom. She had a seahorse and big starfish, pictured above! Soooo cool. She also had a few other littler starfish, some coral, and lotttts of seashells!

My arrangement! It will be glued onto white recycled paper and put in a shadowbox frame. The empty spot between the two pink shells in the upper right is where a small starfish will go!

Another experimental project we did at the same time...leaf prints!


Weird picture, but I ate some apricots at work on break and I thought the pits looked cool. Somehow, whenever I eat apricots, the pits are always dry even though the fruit is (obviously) wet. How is that so?


Zack, his mom, and I spent the whole day with our favorite little girl, Alanna. Here she was trying on Zack's shades and posed for me. I love her!!


I believe this was the day that the weather was God-awful - we had an Excessive Heat Warning with heat index temps near 110. It was awful! I swam in Dad's lake after work, but it didn't really help. I tried to capture the heat with this picture, but it doesn't do it justice by any means.


Happy 3rd Anniversary to Zack and I! Isn't that crazy?! We started our day by spending a few hours in the early afternoon at Portage Lakes State Park swimming and cooling off (since it was really hot again that day). A storm came up around 3 and we had to leave, which was fine since we had to get ready for dinner at Olive Garden (our favorite restaurant) anyway! This picture was right as the storm was blowing in.

After dinner, we had some time to kill before we went and saw Friends with Benefits (great movie!), so we poked around World Market. When we came out, the wet parking lot was reflecting the sky. Cool!


Aww da brudders are snugglin'!

They hated me for making them do this haha.

Fred is so fuzzy!


One of the rare occasions I got to Dad's and he was already sailing, so I got some cool pics!

Satori sure is a beautiful boat.

Coming in to the dock to pick me up for a nice sail!


Laaannnniiieee! (Alanna) We hung out with her again. She is so adorable!


Hahah playin'!

I LOVE HER. Mmm, ice cream.

I found a dragonfly wing when we went back outside to draw with chalk!

Helping me draw a rainbow. :)


Morning Glories are starting to bloom! I planted them very late so I didn't expect them to at all. I am pleasantly surprised!


Found this gross creature in the sailboat while laying out at the lake. We thought it was a wood spider but since it was living close to the water, I did some research and think it may be a fishing spider. Either way, it was huge and gross! Dad scooped it out of the boat and dumped it into the water. Yick.

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