I decided to be artsy and take some pictures of the magazine art collage I've had on my wall in my room for years now. I clipped most of the pictures shown from a really cool fashion magazine called Nylon. There's an ad for Chuck Taylors, Ray-Bans, some random models I clipped out and Leighton Meester on the cover of Rolling Stone in the upper left. The whole collage is about four times the size of this photo. I am rather proud of it. :)
A silly picture of one of Zack's dogs, Fiona, I took on his phone. She was literally sitting upright in my lap, like a human!

At the lake that my Dad lives on, people will put up shanties and go ice fishing. My Dad has tried it too, it really works! This shows the magnitude of the snow-covered lake and a few of the blue shanties - 3 clustered in the middle and some hidden behind the tree on the left.
Oh, Fred...I was making my bed and he wouldn't move from the warm spot on the end so I just threw the blankets on top of him. He stayed like this for quite awhile.
Last night I went with Zack, his dad and his dad's girlfriend to go see Who Shot Rock & Roll at the Akron Art Museum downtown. It was sooo cool! This is a picture of the upper walls and ceiling of the recently remodeled museum. Very modern looking.
No photos were allowed inside the exhibit so I snuck this one of the entrance. We spent over an hour inside - I loved it.
Check out this link for an article I found interesting about the exhibit: Who Shot Rock & Roll: A Photographic History
Happy New Year's Eve!
As if nature is bringing in the New Year, it is 45 degrees today and sunny, so all of the snow we've accumulated over the past month is finally melting away. I got some cool pictures this morning of the ice in the street forming pools of reflective water. The above was taken right in front of my driveway. If you look closely, you can see the ripples of the water trickling.
My favorite picture I've taken in awhile. I got down really low to the ground to snap this close up of the reflections in the water. I have always loved how puddles, lakes, and rivers form exact mirror images of the environment surrounding them. You can also see how beautiful and blue the sky is in this photo!
Have a safe and happy New Year's. See you in 2011!
1 comment:
Oh, I so enjoy your photos and commentary! Keep up the good work - you're getting some great shots, and, I can tell you're having fun with it!
Your tree was lovely, and does Grandma really have an airplane cookie cutter? Waaaaay too cool!
And, per your comment on my starry night photo - your camera should take a similar pic. I put it on manual setting and set the shutter time to the longest, which on my camera is 15 secs. You do need a tripod or someplace sturdy to set the camera. And to avoid shake, I set the shutter release to 2 secs, so my hand doesn't jiggle. Oh, yeah, set the focus to infinity. Of course, you also need a clear night away from city lights . . . it was sooooo cold!
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