Thursday, July 14, 2011


This was quite a surprise - went out to eat at one of my favorite places, Olive Garden, with Zack and his family. I ordered one of their new dishes, Shrimp Carbonara, I believe. It was cheese ravioli with shrimp, spinach and tomato in a butter sauce...or so the description said. I ordered it, got halfway through (loving every delicious bite) and realized that something was odd: there were small odd-shaped brownish pieces mixed in the sauce and a curious smokey taste lingering behind each bite. The general consensus at the table was that it was some sort of mystery seasoning - Zack even tried one and said it didn't taste like anything! I shrugged it off, finished the dish, and we left. Later I checked and lo and behold, the mysterious spices were bacon bits. Whoooops. I never felt sick or anything, and the dish was still good, so I figured there was no point in freaking out about it. Just a silly story! Even 19-year-long vegetarians make mistakes sometimes.


Poor Isabel was hot! I know this picture is blurry but it was too good not to upload. I set up the fan for whoever wanted it and noticed that not long after, she was taking advantage of its coolness. Too funny.

I finally got a cover for my phone! I LOVE it. My mom said it looks like it's straight out of the 60s.


Aww, da brudders are cuddling! Fred on the left, Ginger on the right. We really believe they love each other. They are so sweet.


Went for a nice evening sail with Dad. He is teaching me to really learn how to sail, rather than just be his handy assistant. :)

View upward at the gorgeous sails.

Sailing at sunset. :) So relaxing.

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